Best Dog Trick Ever - Play Dead Pug
Best Dog Trick Ever - Play Dead Pug
Added on 28 May 2016
Watched 3,331 times

Best Dog Trick Ever - Play Dead with Dramatic Pug Stumble

The typical play dead dog trick; however, my pug adds her own embellishment... a dramatic stumble before she falls.

Lelu the pug is a year old in this video. She lives in San Francisco and can be seen at the weekly Small Dog Beach walk on Ocean Beach.

Answers to frequent questions:
- The treats she gets are very small pieces of dehydrated liver. It looks odd on video, but she loves them and it helps keep her puppyish figure.

  • She is clicker trained (Google it for more information). To teach her this one, I'd give the command, gently lay her down, then click and treat. She figured out the stumble herself.
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